We are expecting our second born in June of 09 YIPPIE hehe. We find out what we are having in February. Here is how our little "JuneBug" is doing.

We have a Dr. ap. Dec 1st. Im very excited for that.
What are we hopeing for?
Well Jeff wants a son
Lilly wants a baby sister
And I will be so happy with whatever.
So far a boy will be
Jace Zachary
I picked Jace, Jeff picked Zachary.
If its a baby girl
Chloe Hope
Jeff picked Chloe I picked Hope.
How exciting!
Dec 1st ap. (2nd ap.)
Went very well. We listened to our little bugs heart beat for the first time!
I cried and Jeff and Lilly laughed at me crying...SORRY I'm a mom what can I say? lol.
The little bugs heart rate was at 140 and Dr Winward said that it has a very strong little heart beat, and boy was it loud and clear. Just to compare pregnancys, Lilly's heart rate was at 170 at this time WOW what a differnce huh?