Monday, December 28, 2009
Expect one soon! lol sorry I have been MIA! So much going on for us! I will try to be better about this whole blog thing :) Love Ya!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thank You
I am thankful for the health of my family and the love and understanding of each other that only WE have ... Im thankful for moments of closeness, and dorkieness. Im thankful for the amazing fight my daughter has in her eyes, and for her bizarre imagination! Im thankful for my little boy and how I can see so much of his father in him. Im thankful for The Red White and Blue and for my faith. I'm thankful for not having inlaws like "Ray Barone." I'm thankful for the wonderful man I share my life with, without him I wouldnt be the person I am, thank you for standing by me when Im strong and holding me when I can't take it anymore.
Remember -- Each day is a gift not a given right, anything worth the prize is worth the fight, and it's okay to fall as long as you don't stay down.. that first step is always the longest stride.
Remember -- Each day is a gift not a given right, anything worth the prize is worth the fight, and it's okay to fall as long as you don't stay down.. that first step is always the longest stride.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
4 weeks old!
Take me fishing Daddy!
Bath Time!
Since Jace's cord had a little bit of trouble after it fell off he didn't get to enjoy his first tub bath until 7/10/09. Almost 4 weeks old! But don't worry he had plenty of sponge baths in that time. He did really well and at first, since he was asleep, he didn't even wake up when I put him in the water ... He really liked it a lot more than I thought he would since he HATES sponge baths lol. Here are a few shots =)

Monday, July 13, 2009
Follow up appointment 4 days old =)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Protective Big Sissy
So just a few days after bringing little Jace home, Jeff was trying to get
him to burp by patting him on the back. When Lilly saw this she screamed out
"Dad! don't spank MY baby brother!" it was so adorable, and makes me know that
she is okay with us having him, since I have been so worried that she will feel neglected. Jace has even felt secure enough with her, to fall asleep in her arms.
I think that says a lot about their bond. I love my kids :)
him to burp by patting him on the back. When Lilly saw this she screamed out
"Dad! don't spank MY baby brother!" it was so adorable, and makes me know that
she is okay with us having him, since I have been so worried that she will feel neglected. Jace has even felt secure enough with her, to fall asleep in her arms.
I think that says a lot about their bond. I love my kids :)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Jeff's 27th Birthday!
6/17/09 Today my husband turned 27, we celebrated at home with his Mom and his Grandmother and Grandfather. We had home made carrot cake (his favorite)and of course gave him our gifts! Lilly helped him blow out his candles too! You deserve so much more than we were able to give this year sweet heart WE LOVE YOU!

Jace 2 Days Old!
Jace 2 Days Old!
Welcome Jace Isaac Christensen!
June 15th 2009 4:04 PM 7 pounds 5 ounces 20 inches.
He is here our sweet little boy! I know I'm just a
little bit late with this HAHAHA! But I have had quite
a time adjusting to having 2 kids, turns out 2 is a lot
more than just one haha!
Well let me tell you about Jace or King Jace, he is called
that often around here lol! He is a wonderful baby, he loves
to be cuddled, wakes up about twice a night, and just adores
his big sister Lilly he even fell asleep in her arms the other
day. =) He is quite possibly the growliest gruntiest little baby
he loves to stretch and fart more than any one I know lol.
Most importantly he is very happy, healthy, and loved.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Due on Saturday!
So little Jace Monster is do to make his sweet debut any day now!
Lilly and I went to a shop and got this picture done today at 39 weeks & 4 days along!
I feel fine, aside from my back hurting, and my ankles will hurt if I walk AT ALL! lol.
A little sleep deprived... but thats to be expected! Well here is our picture! Hopefully
the next time I talk to you, I will be bouncing a healthy, beautiful baby boy in my arms!
Lilly and I went to a shop and got this picture done today at 39 weeks & 4 days along!
I feel fine, aside from my back hurting, and my ankles will hurt if I walk AT ALL! lol.
A little sleep deprived... but thats to be expected! Well here is our picture! Hopefully
the next time I talk to you, I will be bouncing a healthy, beautiful baby boy in my arms!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
She did it! My little girl did it!
Well I guess she isn't so little anymore! Here she is, nearly three and a half years old
riding her bike just like a big girl! It's taken a few weeks for Jeff and I to teach Lilly
just what to do .. her short attention span being a big part of that I think : )
She has finally grasped it and now I have trouble keeping up with her! She does
sooooo well!! Way to go Lilly... You are so amazing! There just isn't a single thing
about you that doesn't stop me in my tracks, whether it be your silly smile or your
"Try Me" attitude. You are my little miracle, and I just wonder sometimes what I did
to deserve you : )
A shower for baby!
Happy Mommy's Day To ME!
So today Lilly and I had lunch at StarBucks while waiting for the rest of the mall to open up.
Then her and I went swimsuit shopping .... by the way it is very hard finding swimsuits that
are not so skimpy... even when you are a three year old! We went all around and back and forth
finally deciding on one we found and TCP. I told Lilly someday, she will take me out and spend
money on mommy ; ) Earlier in the day I woke up to a homemade card by Daddy and Lilly ...
and Jeff got me Three Micro Dermabrasion appointments at Armara Med Spa! and that was so nice
I love my stinkin family hehehe
Friday, May 15, 2009
Short 36 Week Update!
Well... Blood Pressure was 130/80, Jace's heart rate was in the high 140s' .
He is head down, my measurements are always right on the mark and I am at
139 pounds thats a weight gain of 29 pounds..... and the best news of all
I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, that I am pretty excited about because I
wasn't dilated with Lilly until I was in full on labor! That my short update! : )
Hope everyone is well.
He is head down, my measurements are always right on the mark and I am at
139 pounds thats a weight gain of 29 pounds..... and the best news of all
I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, that I am pretty excited about because I
wasn't dilated with Lilly until I was in full on labor! That my short update! : )
Hope everyone is well.
Monday, May 11, 2009
35 Weeks Pregnant!
8 things I'm looking forward to...
1. The birth on my son/second child!
2. Seeing Lilly be a big sister!
3. My baby shower this Saturday!
4. Jasmin's Panty Party lol / then Jen's house
5. The rest of the Summer!
6. Lilly's 4th Birthday!
7. Jeff getting OFF graveyards P.S he started today with 4 month to go!boo
8. Going to the Staheli Family Farms petting zoo tomorrow with Lilly!
8 things I did yesterday...
1. Went to the Mall to get my ring.. it had it's 6 mo check up and I got it dipped.
2. Had lunch @ Starbucks with Lilly.
3. Returned a swim suit that was WAY to huge on Lilly to Target HELLO it was a 2T!
4. Went to Ross and got Jasmine 8 sexy pairs of panties for $16 awesome!
5. Went to Gymboree, Oshkosh, TCP, and ON to find Lilly a swim suit that would fit her
6. Ate a Yummy dinner my hubby made for us :)
7. Tried to teach Lilly to ride her bike to the park while Jeff walked Suri.
8. Lilly's bath, story and bed time <3 fwwew lol
8 things I wish I could do..
1. Be 2 places at one time.
2. Go on road trips
3. Have my 19 year old body back : ) .
4. Have more alone time with just Jeff and I.
5. Visit California more.
6. Get a daily pedicure.
7. Eat out anytime I want with no effect on the pocket book lol. I just don't want to cook right now! it's time consuming, it messes up my kitchen, and its hot outside, and I'm hardly hungry anymore.
8. Be a wonder mom!
8 shows I am currently watching...
1. House
2. A baby story
3. Jon and Kate Plus 8
4. What not to wear
5. The Daily Show
6. The Colbert Report
8. ummmmm.... The king of Queens! haha wow that was hard
8 more tags...
Katie, Leslie, Mandy, Debbie, Brandy, And who ever else lol :) Thx Bry
1. The birth on my son/second child!
2. Seeing Lilly be a big sister!
3. My baby shower this Saturday!
4. Jasmin's Panty Party lol / then Jen's house
5. The rest of the Summer!
6. Lilly's 4th Birthday!
7. Jeff getting OFF graveyards P.S he started today with 4 month to go!boo
8. Going to the Staheli Family Farms petting zoo tomorrow with Lilly!
8 things I did yesterday...
1. Went to the Mall to get my ring.. it had it's 6 mo check up and I got it dipped.
2. Had lunch @ Starbucks with Lilly.
3. Returned a swim suit that was WAY to huge on Lilly to Target HELLO it was a 2T!
4. Went to Ross and got Jasmine 8 sexy pairs of panties for $16 awesome!
5. Went to Gymboree, Oshkosh, TCP, and ON to find Lilly a swim suit that would fit her
6. Ate a Yummy dinner my hubby made for us :)
7. Tried to teach Lilly to ride her bike to the park while Jeff walked Suri.
8. Lilly's bath, story and bed time <3 fwwew lol
8 things I wish I could do..
1. Be 2 places at one time.
2. Go on road trips
3. Have my 19 year old body back : ) .
4. Have more alone time with just Jeff and I.
5. Visit California more.
6. Get a daily pedicure.
7. Eat out anytime I want with no effect on the pocket book lol. I just don't want to cook right now! it's time consuming, it messes up my kitchen, and its hot outside, and I'm hardly hungry anymore.
8. Be a wonder mom!
8 shows I am currently watching...
1. House
2. A baby story
3. Jon and Kate Plus 8
4. What not to wear
5. The Daily Show
6. The Colbert Report
8. ummmmm.... The king of Queens! haha wow that was hard
8 more tags...
Katie, Leslie, Mandy, Debbie, Brandy, And who ever else lol :) Thx Bry
Saturday, May 9, 2009
First Kite
Last Sunday I took Lilly to the Jr. High grounds and we flew around her really cool
"Princess Lizard" kite lol as she calls it ..... She did amazing! I never would have
thought it would be so easy for her to get up in the air, and then keep it there!
She ran her little heart out for a little over 10 minutes, then she said... pretty out
of breath, "Momma that was fun, can we go home now?" and that was fine with me
we had a long day already and had to get ready for a company BBQ she did fantastic
she is getting so big it just melts my heart :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Kite Festival!!

Sun River Golf Course was celebrating their one year anniversary.. with a Kite Festival
Lilly I and Grandma Vancil took the trip to Bloomington and enjoyed free parking, free entrance
and free carnival games! It was a blast! The bounce houses were $1 each Ferris Wheel was $3
and face painting was $1 so all together our supper fun day only cost us just $8!!! $10.50 if you
include the bottles of ice water we shared.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Happy Easter 2009
We had a great Easter... first church then we went over to Suzie and Thomas'
had an egg hunt with all the kids and ate dinner.. everyone played nice and it was a super fun time.
Then we went to Grandma and Grandpas with Lilly's suit case she spent a day/night and a half a day
before she wanted Mommy to come get her :) and I was MORE than happy to make that trip to get
my little girl. I really missed her sooooo badly : ) Here are some pictures of Easter : )

had an egg hunt with all the kids and ate dinner.. everyone played nice and it was a super fun time.
Then we went to Grandma and Grandpas with Lilly's suit case she spent a day/night and a half a day
before she wanted Mommy to come get her :) and I was MORE than happy to make that trip to get
my little girl. I really missed her sooooo badly : ) Here are some pictures of Easter : )
Thursday, April 9, 2009
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