So Friday I went to my appointment with my Ob, Jeff, Lilly and I everything cleared with the specialist, and I will not need
to have a c/section (at least not because of placenta previa) of course there can always be a surprise so I decided to read up on
c/sections with the mentality that knowing is better than not knowing.
I am now going to my Ob appointments every two weeks, and soon I will be going once a week!
How exciting things are getting so much closer.
Lilly tells me all the time how she cannot wait to be a big sister, and she will be the best.
Of course I can't help but to be so proud of my little girl when she is so proud of herself.
She loves to talk to Jace through my belly and press her ear up against my belly so
she can hear him lol. I just love it and I hope she really does as well and I think she will!
Here are a couple of ultrasound pictures from the specialist--the first one is a 4D of
his face tucked into his forearms with his hands on his forehead.

This is a profile shot ...... again with his hand on is forehead