Thursday, May 21, 2009
She did it! My little girl did it!
Well I guess she isn't so little anymore! Here she is, nearly three and a half years old
riding her bike just like a big girl! It's taken a few weeks for Jeff and I to teach Lilly
just what to do .. her short attention span being a big part of that I think : )
She has finally grasped it and now I have trouble keeping up with her! She does
sooooo well!! Way to go Lilly... You are so amazing! There just isn't a single thing
about you that doesn't stop me in my tracks, whether it be your silly smile or your
"Try Me" attitude. You are my little miracle, and I just wonder sometimes what I did
to deserve you : )
A shower for baby!
Happy Mommy's Day To ME!
So today Lilly and I had lunch at StarBucks while waiting for the rest of the mall to open up.
Then her and I went swimsuit shopping .... by the way it is very hard finding swimsuits that
are not so skimpy... even when you are a three year old! We went all around and back and forth
finally deciding on one we found and TCP. I told Lilly someday, she will take me out and spend
money on mommy ; ) Earlier in the day I woke up to a homemade card by Daddy and Lilly ...
and Jeff got me Three Micro Dermabrasion appointments at Armara Med Spa! and that was so nice
I love my stinkin family hehehe
Friday, May 15, 2009
Short 36 Week Update!
Well... Blood Pressure was 130/80, Jace's heart rate was in the high 140s' .
He is head down, my measurements are always right on the mark and I am at
139 pounds thats a weight gain of 29 pounds..... and the best news of all
I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, that I am pretty excited about because I
wasn't dilated with Lilly until I was in full on labor! That my short update! : )
Hope everyone is well.
He is head down, my measurements are always right on the mark and I am at
139 pounds thats a weight gain of 29 pounds..... and the best news of all
I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, that I am pretty excited about because I
wasn't dilated with Lilly until I was in full on labor! That my short update! : )
Hope everyone is well.
Monday, May 11, 2009
35 Weeks Pregnant!
8 things I'm looking forward to...
1. The birth on my son/second child!
2. Seeing Lilly be a big sister!
3. My baby shower this Saturday!
4. Jasmin's Panty Party lol / then Jen's house
5. The rest of the Summer!
6. Lilly's 4th Birthday!
7. Jeff getting OFF graveyards P.S he started today with 4 month to go!boo
8. Going to the Staheli Family Farms petting zoo tomorrow with Lilly!
8 things I did yesterday...
1. Went to the Mall to get my ring.. it had it's 6 mo check up and I got it dipped.
2. Had lunch @ Starbucks with Lilly.
3. Returned a swim suit that was WAY to huge on Lilly to Target HELLO it was a 2T!
4. Went to Ross and got Jasmine 8 sexy pairs of panties for $16 awesome!
5. Went to Gymboree, Oshkosh, TCP, and ON to find Lilly a swim suit that would fit her
6. Ate a Yummy dinner my hubby made for us :)
7. Tried to teach Lilly to ride her bike to the park while Jeff walked Suri.
8. Lilly's bath, story and bed time <3 fwwew lol
8 things I wish I could do..
1. Be 2 places at one time.
2. Go on road trips
3. Have my 19 year old body back : ) .
4. Have more alone time with just Jeff and I.
5. Visit California more.
6. Get a daily pedicure.
7. Eat out anytime I want with no effect on the pocket book lol. I just don't want to cook right now! it's time consuming, it messes up my kitchen, and its hot outside, and I'm hardly hungry anymore.
8. Be a wonder mom!
8 shows I am currently watching...
1. House
2. A baby story
3. Jon and Kate Plus 8
4. What not to wear
5. The Daily Show
6. The Colbert Report
8. ummmmm.... The king of Queens! haha wow that was hard
8 more tags...
Katie, Leslie, Mandy, Debbie, Brandy, And who ever else lol :) Thx Bry
1. The birth on my son/second child!
2. Seeing Lilly be a big sister!
3. My baby shower this Saturday!
4. Jasmin's Panty Party lol / then Jen's house
5. The rest of the Summer!
6. Lilly's 4th Birthday!
7. Jeff getting OFF graveyards P.S he started today with 4 month to go!boo
8. Going to the Staheli Family Farms petting zoo tomorrow with Lilly!
8 things I did yesterday...
1. Went to the Mall to get my ring.. it had it's 6 mo check up and I got it dipped.
2. Had lunch @ Starbucks with Lilly.
3. Returned a swim suit that was WAY to huge on Lilly to Target HELLO it was a 2T!
4. Went to Ross and got Jasmine 8 sexy pairs of panties for $16 awesome!
5. Went to Gymboree, Oshkosh, TCP, and ON to find Lilly a swim suit that would fit her
6. Ate a Yummy dinner my hubby made for us :)
7. Tried to teach Lilly to ride her bike to the park while Jeff walked Suri.
8. Lilly's bath, story and bed time <3 fwwew lol
8 things I wish I could do..
1. Be 2 places at one time.
2. Go on road trips
3. Have my 19 year old body back : ) .
4. Have more alone time with just Jeff and I.
5. Visit California more.
6. Get a daily pedicure.
7. Eat out anytime I want with no effect on the pocket book lol. I just don't want to cook right now! it's time consuming, it messes up my kitchen, and its hot outside, and I'm hardly hungry anymore.
8. Be a wonder mom!
8 shows I am currently watching...
1. House
2. A baby story
3. Jon and Kate Plus 8
4. What not to wear
5. The Daily Show
6. The Colbert Report
8. ummmmm.... The king of Queens! haha wow that was hard
8 more tags...
Katie, Leslie, Mandy, Debbie, Brandy, And who ever else lol :) Thx Bry
Saturday, May 9, 2009
First Kite
Last Sunday I took Lilly to the Jr. High grounds and we flew around her really cool
"Princess Lizard" kite lol as she calls it ..... She did amazing! I never would have
thought it would be so easy for her to get up in the air, and then keep it there!
She ran her little heart out for a little over 10 minutes, then she said... pretty out
of breath, "Momma that was fun, can we go home now?" and that was fine with me
we had a long day already and had to get ready for a company BBQ she did fantastic
she is getting so big it just melts my heart :)
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