I knew it!! lol here are some pictures of little Jace
the first one you are looking at his face at the left ... he is looking right at us! and hand on this forehead.
The second picture is the weemee, tallywacker, peanut .... you know the ITS A BOY !! picture hehehe
Well we didnt get our 3d/4d u/s like I had hoped because their new machine is on back order...but I must say that first picture of his face was just hands down the best u/s picture ( besides 3d/4d ) I had ever seen !
It was a very entertaining u/s! We were scared we were not going to see the gender because his bottom was shoved into my hip and his legs were closed TIGHT lol ...my modest little boy hehehe
THEN she was trying to look at his lips to make sure they were fine and the moment she said that she was going to look at his lips BAM! he put his hands over his face and eyes!!! and then the harder we tried the harder he fought even at one point putting his feet over his face as well!!!!!
finally he gave up and we got the shot lol What a stinker!
Okay now for some not so funny news
He is measuring a week behind .... I know that my due date is correct because I was trying to get pregnant. I even knew that I ovulated 3 days after normal counting would indicate the original DD was the 12th and when I had a u/s at 5 weeks they put me at the 15th JUST LIKE I KNEW! So I know where Im at, and my uteris is measuring right on time, so Im not worried I dont think I have ever met a person that measured small and delivered a small baby
They told my cousin that her baby would be to small and she as over 7.5 and that was her biggest out of her three.
My other cousin was told that he baby would be VERY LARGE! and he was 6.13 just like my daughter hehe so Im not worried.
Also the doctor seems to be worried that I am carring VERY LOW like the like your placinta to be 2cm at the very least away from your cervix and mine is 2.4cm so because of the babys size and my very low placinta she went ahead and ordered me another u/s in 4 weeks.
Im not worried about me carring low ... when I was pregnant with Lilly I was SOOOOOO SOOO low that everytime a nurse or anyone checked me they complained about having to reach around Lilly's head to find my cervix and that I was so low and my cervix was sooo tilted. We didnt have a single complication in delivery besides a premature bowel movement.
She said that they may attempt a c/section if its doesnt go up .... and I really do not want to do that! so hopefully it moves on up ... but with this baby laying across my lower abdomen like a hammock !!!! I dont see how it can!!!!
Anyways soooo sorry its sooo long lol
yay!! im so excited for you!! congrats!! thats funny hes already a little stinker like his mom. i love his name and he is going to be darling just like his big sister!! hope all keeps goin well for you. i wouldnt worry about him measuring small, he will be fine!