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Friday, February 5, 2010


I don't post enough about Jeff on here, so I stole this from someone else's blog and decided to fill it out...

1. When is your "engagement" anniversary: April 24th 2008

2. When is your "marriage" anniversary: September 19th 2008

3. How long have you known your spouse: Aug of 2007 it seems like A LOT longer hehehe

4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged: 8 months

5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time? He doesnt like me to tell anyone HAHA but its a REALLY good story!

6. What is your spouse's full name? Jeff L Christensen

7. Do you have any children: two

8. How many - boys/girls: one girl one boy

9. Do you have any house pets: Bobo the dog, Pixie Dust that cat, and two frogs Harry and Loyd.

10. Do you live in the country or town/city: I don't know lol Town I guess.

11. What are some of your favorite activities together: We are movie freaks, we love to go out for dinner and a movie and we dont have much money today anything right now! We have a ski boat and I cant wait for this summer :)

12. Do you have a favorite vacation spot: We went to Cabo on our honey moon and that was sooo fun! I would love to take the kids on a cruise when Jace gets a little older.

13. When did you first kiss? umm I believe it was the 2nd date in front of the bowling ally.

14. What church do you attend? um...

15. Did you get married in a church? No, we got married in a friends backyard in Harriman its soo pretty there.

16. What town is your current address at: _______________

17. Do you work or stay at home: I stay home, but don't even try to tell me it doesn't count as FULL TIME WORK :)

18. Where did you go on your honeymoon: on a 5 day cruise to Cabo and Ensenada.

19. What was the funniest gift you gave when dating? i can't think of any "funny ones"

20. How long have you been together? a little over 2 years

21. How long did you know each other before you started dating? the first time we met was a date. :)))))

22. Who asked who out? welllll......

23. How old are each of you? Im 25, hes 27

24. Where do you each work or go to school? Jeff works way harder than any man should have to.

25. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? everything gets hard from time to time but we always get through it.

26. Did you go to the same school? No

27. Are you from the same home town? nope not even close

28. Who is smarter? It depends on what subject...

29. Who is more sensitive? Definately me

30. Where do you eat out most as a couple? Samurai 21

31. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Cabo Mexico.

32. Who has the craziest exes? Definitely me.

33. Who does the cooking? Me.

34. Who is more social? We both have are moments.

35. Who is the neat-freak? definitely me again

36. Who is more stubborn? definitely him.

37. Who hogs the bed? ME .. he is a blanket hog though!

38. Who wakes up earlier? Jeff gets up at 6 to go to work.

39. Where was your first date? We went to BARDS it was supposed to be a nice place... expensive yes! was the food good?? NO!!! then we went to see Chuck and Larry and then Starbucks!

40. Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends? Me

41. Do you get flowers often? I havent got them in a while .. :/ but thats okay... I do get them often and I LOVE IT! He always gets me Lilys :)

42. How do you spend the holidays? Broke!! hahaha but happy and healthy that is all that matters.

43. Who is more jealous? Sooo me Im such a green eyed monster!

44. How long did it take to get serious? Not long at all, the 2nd or 3rd date :)

45. Who eats more? James

46. Who does the laundry? Me

47. Who’s better with the computer? equal maybe?

48. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples: Don't ever let go of alone time and dating after you have kids!


  1. i love these, its fun to find out more about you and if you would just update your blog once in a while! :) i like how you say James eats
